Sitting here trying to figure out how to start my inaugural blog post and keep replacing "bread" in song lyrics...Can't get you out of my bread....All the things she bread...that one doesn't quite work but my brain tries.
I decided to start this blog for more reasons that I can count, mostly because I forget them not because they're so numerous - that would be impossible really. Please forgive me if this first post becomes more stream of consciousness, but bread does that to me. I get so excited talking about bread that I lose track of time. And I'm looking for fellow bread lovers and bread bakers alike to embark on a gluten-ous journey with me.
My primary reasons for this blog are as follows.
Start a blog to capture my journey as I learn how to make different types of bread, not necessarily for the cafe but because I love bread, currently on a sourdough journey - more to come on that as I recap my experience to date.
Purchase, consume, and wax poetic about all the bread my fellow bakers in the area craft.
Knead up interest in having a periodic gathering of bread enthusiasts at the shop to tear bread together, discuss the trials and tribulations of bread-making, and selfishly have an outlet to get all of the breadzies out of my system, at least for a spell. (Tangent - I will NOT apologize for bread buns, I mean puns, and I firmly support Oxford commas!)
I must leaven now.